Monthly Archives: February 2025

No More Week 2025

2-8th March is a week that is focused on ending Domestic and Sexual Violence and is called NO MORE WEEK. Sadly Domestic Violence is very common for women and also for men.  You may be concerned about a friend or colleague that you think may be experiencing violence but you […]

Eastenders Is Forty

And whatever you think about watching soaps you can’t deny that they raise issues that can be trailblazing – gets people talking and sometimes evens changes the way society thinks and acts. Eastenders has not shied away from sexual violence and child abuse which has been really positive in opening […]

Sexual Violence and Abuse Awareness Week

The 3rd to the 9th of February is Sexual Violence And Abuse Awareness Week, this week was founded by Yehudis Goldsobel. An incredible Advocate for Survivors. This is a  week to focus everyone in the UK to stand with Survivors and  raise awareness around issues of Sexual Violence.    #ITSNOTOK  is […]