If you are feeling overwhelmed or disassociated perhaps try this technique to bring yourself into the present.

Look: Look at 5 things around you: Look at some calming pictures on your phone or perhaps have a grounding image as a screensaver  or look at your surroundings and try and notice the detail eg pattern on a cup.

Feel:  Touch 4 things around you:  Touch something comforting if available (for example a favourite cushion/blanket/soft toy if not then what is around you. Touching something cold can bring you into the present quickly eg ice or ice lolly.Carry something portable around with you to help you if you are triggered and out and about. For example a bracelet that you can look at to remind you to breath.

Listen: Listen to 3 sounds: Switch on your phone and listen to music – perhaps compile a soothing playlist for yourself or focus on the noises around  you for example the wind in a tree or traffic outside.

Smell: Try sniffing 2 specific things – perfume or a bottle of aromatherapy essential oil or an unlit candle  or a teabag.

Taste: Taste 1 thing: Carry a sweet to suck or perhaps some chocolate. Focus on the flavour. If you feel disassociated try something crunchy or stimulating eg lemon or chilliIf you feel a bit hyper aroused – try something soothing – perhaps honey or sweet tea.

Practising this technique when you are not feeling triggered like you would a fire alarm can make it very accessible when you need it.