Grounding Can Really Help When We Are Triggered

Grounding can provide us with a really good antidote to the overwhelming feelings of being triggered or when flashbacks of the past occur.

Getting Skilled Up In Grounding

If you are experiencing feeling dysregulated, triggered or even experiencing a  flashback these grounding ideas may help you to feel more stable and into the present.


Be aware of your breathing. When we are fearful we can start to breath very quickly. Take a few minutes to just breath in and out slowly – count if that helps. 

For example breath four counts in and six counts out. Stephen Porges Polyvagal Theory tells us that by taking longer to exhale you’ll aid your body’s parasympathetic response (the part of your autonomic system that encourages you to rest and relax).

Use Your Voice:

Have a grounding phrase or even a song that helps you remind yourself where you are now and also that is uplifting or comforting – depending on your how you are feeling.

Refocus Attention with Your Mind

Finding a distraction can be helpful in the moment – using left brain activities – for example wordle or puzzles or crosswords.  If you don’t have that to hand try counting backwards in 2s or 4s.

Remind Yourself Today’s Date

This is just a memory – it is not actually happening. Focus on who you are now. If it helps talk to the frightened “child” part of you and assure him or her that you (your healthy adult self) can take care of themselves now.  For some people that is a stretch too far.

Remind yourself of today’s date.  Play some music that is in the charts now or listen to today’s radio.

Move Your Body

Getting in touch with our body and taking control of it can be really helpful to bring us into today.

If you are feeling very hyper aroused then using some chill out music doing some calming stretches or yoga can be calming.  Alternatively if we are feeling disassociated or hypo aroused then using more up tempo dancing around can be stimulating.

We can practice grounding before a situation arises so that it is very instinctive as we would a fire drill.  We can also prepare by carrying a sweet or having some calming music on our phone so that if we are triggered or overwhelmed we know that we have resources prepared and we are not powerless in that situation.