This week we are celebrating International Women’s Day.
And whilst we can celebrate the incredible strength, resilience, and achievements of women around the world we also need to acknowledge the sad reality that violence against women is still an all too present grim reality for many women. Here in the UK a woman is killed every 3 days. For the past 10 years, Jess Phillips has read the names of women suspected of being killed by men on International Women’s Day, provided by the Femicide Census. This comes as the data shows that 1 in 5 murders are domestic homicides and that over the last decade there were:
898 female victims of domestic homicides
of these, 698 victims (78%) were killed by a partner or ex-partner
and over 9 in 10 female homicide victims were killed by a man (92%).
Let’s take a moment to honour the women who have paved the way for progress and those who continue to fight for equality and justice and also recommit ourselves to the fight against all violence against women. Women’s courage and dedication make the world a better place.
To all the women out there, thank you for being you and those fighting for justice and safety for women – let’s not give up.
#InternationalWomensDay #IWD2025 #Empowerment #Equality #WomenInLeadership #stopviolenceagainstwomen #Jessphillips