Training: Supporting survivors and growing ourselves

Training on how we can effectively support those who have been sexually abused

Seminar on Sexual Abuse Recovery

“Supporting Survivors And Growing Ourselves”

This seminar is available for organisations, counselling services and social and care groups as a whole or half day course – or can be tailored for individual requirements. The seminar provides a foundation in understanding the core issues around sexual abuse and how we can effectively support those who have suffered abuse.

Aims of the Seminar:

  • Gain knowledge and skills to help clients who have experienced sexual abuse
  • Gain information on shame, anger, powerlessness, betrayal and sexual ambivalence
  • Gain insight into styles of relating from this client group
  • Pass on information gained to clients where appropriate
  • Identify own feelings in order to set them aside to focus on client


How I came into this Work

Facts and Figures:

  • Statistics on sexual abuse in the UK
  • Impact on our society
  • Demonising of abusers

Trauma Informed Practice

  • Three Phased Approach
  • Stabilisation
  • Processing of Trauma 
  • Integration

The Bitter Taste Of Shame:

  • Why survivors carry shame the shame of the abuser
  • How shame affects relationships
  • Helping clients displace the shame

Help for Flashbacks:

  • What flashbacks are
  • Different kinds of memories
  • Helping clients with grounding techniques

Understanding and Processing Anger:

  • How we can help clients understand their anger
  • When Time Outs help
  • From rage to constructive anger

The Function of Contempt :

  • Why clients often are filled with self contempt
  • How other centred contempt comes out
  • Scale of self contempt and easing a way out

Powerlessness and Rebuilding Boundaries:

  • Why clients can be re-victimized
  • Why clients seek to control
  • Helping build good boundaries

Sexual Ambivalence and Confusion:

  • Causes of ambivalence
  • Intrusion of past memories
  • Helping clients reclaim sexuality

From Betrayal and Trust:

  • The outworking of the damage of betrayal in relationships
  • Suspiciousness and Hyper-vigilance
  • Helping re-build trust

Confrontation and Forgiveness

  • Acknowledging the harm done
  • Supporting confrontation
  • Difference between forgiveness and reconciliation

Self Care for Counsellors

  • Why its important to care for yourself
  • How to do this
  • Organizations that offer support for survivors

Questions and Answers